About Us

The story of Al-SHAIKH is as simple as any other small venture making its way into the versatile and competitive market of this country. Al-SHAIKH started with the unique idea of an online store for Islamic caps and other products. As we started Al-SHAIKH had only one workers and the company started in a single room with no assets or capital. With the ambition of hard work the company and its name strived for a place in today’s world.

The idea took place on 5th May 2021 and within 15 days Al-Shaikh came live and presented its first ever collection of premium and designer Koofis and started building its audience. As the number of consumers grew Al-Shaikh became a trustworthy name among a small group of this vast market in our country. It has been a year and a half and Al-Shaikh has come a long way from where it started, What started in small room has now become one of the leading brands in Islamic Caps and growing faster than ever.

AL-SHAIKH has now a permanent outlet for our customers to visit. and in the future Al-SHAIKH aims to start a complete clothing line for Men, Women and Kids.

 Our Goals and Aims:

Al-Shaikh aims to be the most compliant and easy shopping place for any type of consumer within the country with fast and easy service, online and Retail likewise. We aim not only to provide the basic but also cater to different and various needs of our Valued Customers. To Sum it up we aim to set a new trend in business and provide a friendly, positive and satisfying experience to our customers.